Heat pumps in Norway.

Author(s) : Res. Counc. Nor.

Type of monograph: Booklet


This document is the final report of the Norwegian National Programme on heat pumps (1989-1992), financed by several national organizations and the Ministry of Industry. The main objective of this Programme was to favour the use of heat pumps with a view to saving energy. Extract from the table of contents: targets and achievements, installation, information and marketing, prototype and demonstration work, international activities, courses and literature available, distribution of programme products.


  • Original title: Heat pumps in Norway.
  • Record ID : 1993-2351
  • Languages: English
  • Publication: Res. Counc. Nor., NTNF Dep. - Norway/Norway
  • Publication date: 1993/04
  • Source: Source: 28 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.