Heat transfer characteristics of latent thermal storage units with sodium hydroxide-based molten salts.

[In Japanese. / En japonais.]

Author(s) : KANARI K., ABE Y., TANAKA K., et al.

Type of article: Article


The paper describes experimental and computer simulation results for horizontal U-tube latent thermal storage units with an eutectic of sodium hydroxide-sodium nitrate. Through 1000 melting-freezing (charge-discharge) cycle tests on two storage units of bare-tube and finned-tube types, the heat transfer characteristics were evaluated. For the finned-tube type, the effect of fin was included in the effective thermal conductivity of molten salt around the tubes. The heat transfer characteristics were evaluated for various storage units with different parameters such as number of passes, and number of heat transfer pipes.


  • Original title: [In Japanese. / En japonais.]
  • Record ID : 1993-0465
  • Languages: Japanese
  • Source: Kagaku Hogaku Ronbunshu - vol. 17 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1991


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