IIR document
Ice slurry at -35°C: energy efficiency and comparison with other refrigerating systems.
EDF (French utility company) performed energy efficiency measurements on a new ice slurry refrigerating machine at -35°C in a supermarket and on a direct refrigerating system in the same conditions. The authors compare measurements with two theoretically designed systems of the same cooling capacity: single-phase secondary refrigerant, CO2 two-phase secondary refrigerant systems. The comparison is done on the following criteria: food safety, energy (COP), environmental impact (TEWI), economical criteria (investment, operating costs). The COP is only 0.5 for ice slurry compared with 0.9 for CO2 two-phase secondary refrigerant. The ice slurry system presents the best result in term of direct warming impact (163 CO2 eq USI tons), but the worst indirect impact as well as the worst TEWI (3791 CO2 two-phase secondary refrigerant). It is to improve the energy efficiency of low temperature ice slurry technology if we want ice slurry to be in the -35°C technologies competition.
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- Original title: Ice slurry at -35°C: energy efficiency and comparison with other refrigerating systems.
- Record ID : 2009-0631
- Languages: English
- Source: 8th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids (GL2008)
- Publication date: 2008/09/07
See other articles from the proceedings (132)
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