IIR document
Ice-slurry production using direct contact heat transfer.
Author(s) : WIJEYSUNDERA N. E., HAWLADER M. N. A., ANDY C. W. B., et al.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
An ice slurry generation system was developed using direct contact heat transfer between water and the coolant, Fluroinert FC-84. The location of the coolant nozzle is an important design consideration to avoid clogging due to freezing of water. An ice fraction of up to about 40 percent was obtained with the nozzle located at the bottom of the ice slurry tank and the jet directed upwards into the water. Two simplified model were developed to extract the heat transfer coefficient between the coolant drops and the water. The first model requires as input the average drop diameter and the residence time while the second model uses the measured drop diameter distribution. The estimated heat transfer coefficients are much smaller than those computed using single-sphere correlations.
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Pages: 511-519
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- Original title: Ice-slurry production using direct contact heat transfer.
- Record ID : 2004-2831
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 27 - n. 5
- Publication date: 2004/08
See other articles in this issue (11)
See the source
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- Formats : PDF
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