Cooling with a two-phase mixture: solid + liquid.
Koeling met tweefasige mengsels (vast en vloeibaar).
Author(s) : RIVET P.
Type of article: Article
This article predicts that, thanks to its numerous positive features, the use of ice slurry is likely to develop. Freezing by immersion in a biphasic fluid at a low temperature (-30 or -35 deg C) can certainly be envisaged. Immersion (in a sodium-chloride liquid solution) of shrimps, sardines or even cherries to be candied is at present being used. Ice slurry could also activate freezing and has a large thermal capacity thanks to its solid phase. In indirect refrigeration applications, the benefits are obvious: reduced networks, pumps and accessories; storage; improved plant COP. What hinders development at the moment is the lack of competitive generators, above all in the case of plant with a capacity of 100 to 1000 kilowatts. The wide range of ice slurry generation methods suggests that this problem will be solved soon. This article is the Dutch translation of an article published in the Bulletin of the IIR, reference 1999-0150.
- Original title: Koeling met tweefasige mengsels (vast en vloeibaar).
- Record ID : 1999-0151
- Languages: Dutch
- Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 91 - n. 2
- Publication date: 1998/02
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- See translations: Réfrigération avec un mélange diphasique : solide + liquide.
See other articles in this issue (2)
See the source
Réfrigération avec un mélange diphasique : soli...
- Author(s) : RIVET P.
- Date : 1997
- Languages : French
- Source: Kelvin - n. 3-4
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Binary ice as a secondary refrigerant.
- Author(s) : PAUL J.
- Date : 1995/08/20
- Languages : English
- Source: For a Better Quality of Life. 19th International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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Dossier frigoporteurs : un regain d'intérêt pou...
- Date : 1999/02
- Languages : French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 865
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De la glace liquide comme réfrigérant.
- Date : 2002/02
- Languages : French
- Source: Cool Comf. - vol. 3 - n. 4
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Regelungskonzept für Eisbreianlagen in indirekt...
- Date : 1997/11/19
- Languages : German
- Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 24. 1997, Hamburg.
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