Impact of energy-related properties of cities on optimal urban energy system design.
Type of article: Periodical article
This study investigates how differences in energy-related properties of cities influence the composition of a cost-efficient urban energy system, assuming electrification of the transport and industry sectors and zero-emission of CO2. These differences are evaluated for two scenarios regarding the capacities of the modeled cities to import electricity. A linear optimization model that encompasses the electricity, heating, industry, and transport sectors, using measured data from six cities in Sweden, is applied. Results show that when strict constraints on electricity imports are enforced, cities with a lower ratio of annual electricity demand for heat encourage the implementation of power-to-heat solutions in the heating sector. This study also reveals that under such stringent electricity import conditions, cities with a high level of flexibility in electricity demand favor a combination of batteries and solar photovoltaics as opposed to biomass-based electricity production. Conversely, when electricity importation is less restricted and biomass prices surpass 20 EUR/MWh, local electricity generation is outcompeted by imports, and large-scale heat pumps working in tandem with thermal energy storage dominate the heating sector in all modeled cities. This assertion holds true when the maximum electricity import capacity is utilized up to 5000 h annually.
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Format PDF
Pages: 24 p.
- Original title: Impact of energy-related properties of cities on optimal urban energy system design.
- Record ID : 30033301
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: Energies - vol. 17 - n. 15
- Publishers: MDPI
- Publication date: 2024/08
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en17153813
See the source
Cogeneration (CHP), trigeneration;
Heat pumps, energy recovery: general information;
Thermal energy storage;
General information on energy - Keywords: Sweden; Modelling; Urban environment; Electricity; Cogeneration; Renewable energy; Heat pump; Heating; Thermal energy storage; Biomass; Solar energy
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