Improved airside modeling of heat exchangers for 1D refrigeration cycle simulation through the experimental determination of factors of influence.
Number: 2124
Author(s) : WIMMER K.
Increasing the efficiency of domestic refrigeration appliances can make an important contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 1D simulation models of the refrigeration cycles help to significantly reduce the development time, to increase the understanding of thermodynamic effects, and thus to better exploit the potential for increasing efficiency.
To support the development process of household refrigerators the simulation must ensure meaningful evaluations of the increase in efficiency when using alternative heat exchangers. Therefore, the 1D heat exchanger models must reproduce the airside, which has a higher thermal resistance than the refrigerant side, with a high degree of accuracy. This is possible with the method of factors of influence (FoI) developed in preliminary work. This method provides the airside heat flows of the heat exchanger, considering the airside thermal resistance, the air and refrigerant path and the real installation situation. Until now, these FoI have been obtained using CFD simulations, but these are associated with a high level of effort due to the complex meshing of the heat exchanger. Therefore, the possibility of determining the FoI experimentally is investigated in this work. The heat exchanger is spatially divided into a reasonable number of sections. Heat is supplied with a heating wire that is threaded into the tubes of the heat exchanger. Moreover, a second unheated wire is threaded and the temperature is measured via the temperature dependence of its resistance. By measuring the voltage and current of both wires, the heat flows as well as the resistance and thus the tube temperatures can be determined and controlled. These data enable the calculation of the FoI.
The presented measurement concept provides an alternative to the CFD simulations for determining the FoI, which enables a good representation of the airside in a 1D heat exchanger model.
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Pages: 10 p.
- Original title: Improved airside modeling of heat exchangers for 1D refrigeration cycle simulation through the experimental determination of factors of influence.
- Record ID : 30030477
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 2022 Purdue Conferences. 19th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Publication date: 2022/07/10
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