Non-condensable gas (NCG) is one of the main causes affecting adversely the thermal performance, operating reliability and lifespan of two-phase heat transfer devices. In this work, nitrogen was charged into two ammonia-stainless steel loop heat pipes (LHPs) with controllable amounts to simulate the NCG, and extensive experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of thermoelectric cooler (TEC) on the LHP operation with NCG. Experimental results show that the TEC can effectively improve the thermal performance of the LHP with NCG, i.e., decreasing the steady-state operating temperature, expanding the allowable heat load range, realizing a successful startup with much reduced temperature overshoot, and eliminating or inhibiting the possible temperature oscillations. However, some unexpected phenomena or operation anomalies such as startup failure and operating temperature rise were also observed during the experiments with the application of the TEC. Through analyzing these experimental results, the design considerations for the TEC assembly are proposed to better play the role of TEC in improving the thermal performance of LHPs with NCG.
- Original title: Investigation on the effect of thermoelectric cooler on LHP operation with non-condensable gas.
- Record ID : 30020685
- Languages: English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 110
- Publication date: 2017/01/05
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.09.050
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