Iron loss analysis of linear compressor including structural aspects.

Author(s) : LEE H., WANG S., JEONG S., et al.


In the paper, the iron loss analysis of the linear compressor is performed by using J-Mag and iron loss curves, which is obtained by an Epstein test apparatus and experiment. Various material types such as electrical steel sheet, structural steel sheet and conductive material are considered to calculate the iron loss of the linear compressor. For the validation of the iron loss analysis result, the experiment measuring the iron loss of the linear compressor is performed and this result is compared with the iron loss analysis result.


  • Original title: Iron loss analysis of linear compressor including structural aspects.
  • Record ID : 2007-0613
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ACRA-2006. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning.
  • Publication date: 2006/05/21


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