Irregular leakage from R-134a MAC systems.

Author(s) : WOLF F.

Type of article: Periodical article


Based on numbers from official refrigerant producers, 894.800 metric tonnes of the refrigerant R-134a were estimated to be in the atmosphere in 2005. This correlates to 59% of the total accumulated amount of produced R-134a since the production started in 1990. However, uncertified refrigerant producers do not report, which means that these numbers symbolises the lower range of production and emissions rates. Due to the fact that about 95% of the R-134a emissions in Germany are related to the light vehicle sector, this paper presents some views on how automotive air-conditioning systems relate to these emissions.


  • Original title: Irregular leakage from R-134a MAC systems.
  • Record ID : 2008-1709
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Obrist Eng. - 4 p.; fig.; tabl.; 8 ref.
  • Publication date: 2008/06


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