Learning curve management on construction cost reduction in LNG storage tanks.


Unlike in other areas, construction performance and learning factor analysis in LNG tank construction have been limited, compared to their important roles in LNG facilities. The LNG tank construction cost is the largest single cost in a receiving terminal. The specific construction cost of LNG storage tanks have decreased with an increase in storage capacity. However, quantitatively utilizing the past experiences in the cost estimation and profitability analysis was a long term unsettled task in LNG projects. This paper demonstrates that the learning curve management, derived from the case based construction analysis, provides a reasonable basis of the cost analysis, cost estimation, and profitability studies, all of which are related to the evaluation of future costs and confidence level in an analysis.


  • Original title: Learning curve management on construction cost reduction in LNG storage tanks.
  • Record ID : 2007-1876
  • Languages: English
  • Source: LNG 14. Proceedings of the 14th international conference and exhibition of liquefied natural gas [CD-ROM].
  • Publication date: 2004/03/21


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