IIR document

Magnetic refrigeration at room temperature, 20th IIR Informatory Note on Refrigerating Technologies.

Author(s) : EGOLF P. W., ROSENSWEIG R. E.

Type of article: Techincal Brief


Magnetic refrigeration is an adiabatic cooling method which applies the magnetocaloric effect. From the point of view of basic physics, it shows an analogy to the conventional gas compression/expansion method. It has been applied for many years in cryogenics, to reach very low temperatures. In 1976, Brown presented the first room temperature refrigerator applying adiabatic magnetization and demagnetization. This IIR informatory note briefly highlights the state-of-the-art, the advantages and disadvantages of this promising technology.

Available documents

Informatory Note - Magnetic refrigeration at room temperature (English)

Pages: 5-9 (E)



Note d'Information - Le froid magnétique à température ambiante (French)

Pages: 5-9 (E)




  • Original title: Magnetic refrigeration at room temperature, 20th IIR Informatory Note on Refrigerating Technologies.
  • Record ID : 2008-0209
  • Languages: English, French
  • Subject: Technology, Environment
  • Source: IIF, Note Inf./IIR, Inf. Note/www.iifiir.org - vol. 87 - n. 2007-5
  • Publication date: 2007/10
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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