Materials selection and corrosion prevention.

Author(s) : SZABO L.

Type of article: Article


Constructing an air-conditioning system involves the integration of many components provided by various suppliers. Different materials react with each other and environmental conditions vary depending on the purpose of each component. Metals are very common construction materials chosen for their strength as well as their ability to transfer heat across surfaces efficiently. In the presence of water and air the natural process of corrosion is facilitated, hence air conditioning systems are highly susceptible due to their close proximity to both. Awareness of the interaction between differing metals and the effect of changing conditions can help in the design of systems so as to minimise the rate of the natural process of corrosion. The development of environmental assessment tools has also raised awareness of the advantages in achieving efficiencies in energy usage and lengthened plant life. The Australian Building Greenhouse Rating (ABGR) nominates the protective treatment of chilled and condenser water systems as fundamental in preventing the high cost of replacing large items of plant, such as chillers. Maintaining the condition of pipes and coils also facilitates efficiency by permitting optimum water flow and heat transfer from surfaces. Good maintenance of water systems can also produce demonstrable reductions in water usage, a goal of most water authorities and energy rating systems currently being used.


  • Original title: Materials selection and corrosion prevention.
  • Record ID : 2007-0289
  • Languages: English
  • Source: EcoLibrium - vol. 5 - n. 6
  • Publication date: 2006/07


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