The global trend towards using natural refrigerants has been intensifying recently. R717 (ammonia) is a kind of natural refrigerant with zero ODP, zero GWP, and significantly high energy efficiency. However, the toxicity and corrosivity restrict its domestic and small-scale use. The oil lubricant can also be a problem. This paper presents a heat pump model adopting a novel oil-free linear compressor that keeps coil windings outside the pressure vessel, making it possible for ammonia. The heat pump model was built and validated by experiments using R134a. R717 was used as the refrigerant to predict the performance of the linear compressor heat pump using the validated model. The model shows that the mass flow rate, power input and input current increase linearly as the stroke increases at condenser temperature of 50℃ and evaporator temperature of 10℃. When the condenser temperature is fixed at 50℃, the CoP and heating capacity, and mass flow increases with evaporator temperature linearly. The normalised CoP is about 0.35. The predictive results for R717 will be validated in future experiments.
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- Original title: Modelling of a novel oil-free linear compressor for small ammonia heat pump.
- Record ID : 30030990
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 10th IIR Conference on Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies.
- Publication date: 2023/04/27
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.nh3-co2.2023.0031
See other articles from the proceedings (38)
See the conference proceedings
Heat pumps techniques;
Compressors - Keywords: Oil free compressor; Linear compressor; R717; Ammonia; Heat pump; Modelling; COP; Heating
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