National methyl bromide response strategy. 1. Horticultural uses.
Author(s) : Methyl Bromide Consult. Group
Type of monograph: Other
This strategy was developed by the Consultative Group and coordinated by Environment Australia. It provides information on international controls on methyl bromide, presents a national approach to phase-out methyl bromide use in Australia's horticultural industries, outlines the research program, and seeks to minimise potential adverse impacts on horticultural production by providing information on alternatives and encouraging a proactive approach to the adoption of alternatives. Extract from the table of contents: Montreal Protocol: past, present and future; effect of methyl bromide on the ozone layer; sources of methyl bromide emissions; methyl bromide use reduction: an overview; realistic use of reduction targets: industry views; National Methyl Bromide Alternatives Research Program; methyl bromide phase-out: impacts and challenges; exemptions from controls on methyl bromide.
- Original title: National methyl bromide response strategy. 1. Horticultural uses.
- Record ID : 1999-0620
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation
- Publication: Methyl Bromide Consultative Group - Australia/Australia
- Publication date: 1998/06
- Source: Source: 84 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: regulations and standards;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: economics and statistics - Keywords: Methyl bromide; Recommendation; Research; Australia; Agricultural application; Substitute; Statistics; Greenhouse; Vegetable; Cut flower; Ozone depletion; Fruit
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