Ozone layer. The commitment of Colombia: present projects.

[In Spanish. / En espagnol.]

Author(s) : ALVAREZ C.

Type of article: Article


Colombia adhered to the Protocol of Montreal in March, 1994. Previously, Colombia had created a national "Technical Unit for Industrial Reconversion", in charge of preparing projects to be submitted to the multilateral Fund in the framework of the Protocol. The author mentions: 1. the new refrigerants to be used; 2. the projects: pilot project for recovery an recycling of R12 and R502, with supply of equipment to the participants in the project; creation of techical training centres; creation of infrastructures in order to reduce the emission of refrigerants in the atmsphere; substitution of R11 with R141b as foaming agent in polyurethane; substitution of R12 with R134a; 3. the organizations or firms responsible for the implementation of these projects in each sector (air conditioning, technical training, recovery and recycling of R12 and R502, commercial refrigeration); 4. the national regulations being prepared so as to constitute the legal framework of the reconversion. J.G.


  • Original title: [In Spanish. / En espagnol.]
  • Record ID : 1997-0602
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Source: Rev. ACAIRE - n. 13
  • Publication date: 1995/08
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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