IIR document
Performance analysis of ammonia absorption GAX cycle for combined cooling and hot water supply modes.
Author(s) : PARK C. W., KOO J., KANG Y. T.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
An ammonia generator-absorber heat exchange (GAX) absorption cycle with combined cooling and hot water supply modes is developed in this study. This paper proposes new multi-modes GAX cycles which function in three different modes (case 1, case 2 and case 3) of cooling and hot water supply with one hardware (ammonia/water GAX absorption heat pump), and finds the best cycle for performance improvement by the parametric analysis. The key parameters are the outlet temperature of hot water and the split ratio of the solution. It is found that the COPc values for case 1, case 2 and case 3 are 60, 42 and 87% of COPc for case 0, respectively, which is the standard cooling mode for the conventional GAX cycle. From the viewpoints of hot water supply, case 1 gives the best performance. However, during the summer season when the cooling mode is the primary purpose rather than the hot water supply, case 3 is the most desirable cycle. The split ratio of the solution should be carefully determined depending on the primary application of the modified GAX cycle; cooling or hot water supply applications. It is also recommended that the optimum design values of UASCA and UAHCA for case 3 should be less than those for case 1.
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Pages: 727-733
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- Original title: Performance analysis of ammonia absorption GAX cycle for combined cooling and hot water supply modes.
- Record ID : 2008-1628
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 31 - n. 4
- Publication date: 2008/06
See other articles in this issue (18)
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- Date : 2007/08/21
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- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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- Author(s) : STAICOVICI M. D. N., STAICOVICI A. M. M. D.
- Date : 2013/05/09
- Languages : English
- Source: 5th Conference on Ammonia Refrigeration Technology. Proceedings: Ohrid, North Macedonia, May 9-11, 2013.
- Formats : PDF
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