IIR document
Performance characterization of a bubble pump for vapor absorption refrigeration systems.
Author(s) : AMAN J., HENSHAW P., TING D. S. K.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
A thermally driven bubble pump has been used for an ammonia (refrigerant)–water (absorbent) vapor absorption refrigeration (VAR) system, which is known as a diffusion absorption refrigeration (DAR) system since the 1920s. However, the use of a bubble pump in a water-based refrigerant VAR system has not been reported. In a bubble pump-operated VAR system, the cycle performance as well as the bubble pump performance completely depend on the refrigerant–absorbent solution properties and the bubble pump parameters. Although a few analytical models have been developed for the performance analysis of a bubble pump-operated refrigeration cycle, the analytical model of the bubble pump itself has not been reported. In this study, a dimensional analysis was performed, considering bubble pump geometry and the solution properties, and a mathematical model was developed to represent the bubble pump performance in terms of non-dimensional numbers, which can be used in all bubble pump driven absorption refrigeration systems. The analysis revealed that the bubble pump always operates in a turbulent condition with a Reynolds number higher than 104 and a Morton number between 10-11 and 10-12. The highest efficiency of the bubble pump (79 %) is achieved at a high liquid Froude number at the beginning of the slug flow regime, when the non-dimensional pressure is low. The proposed analytical model was validated with the experimental results conducted with pure water and an LiCl-H2O solution and both results agreed within 12 %.
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Pages: 58-69
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- Original title: Performance characterization of a bubble pump for vapor absorption refrigeration systems.
- Record ID : 30022745
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 85
- Publication date: 2018/01
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/0.1016/j.ijrefrig.2017.09.011
See other articles in this issue (36)
See the source
- Themes: Absorption and adsorption systems
- Keywords: Bubble; Ammonia-water; Absorption system; Pump; Performance; Modelling
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