Performance evaluation of a combined ejection-absorption refrigeration cycle.

Evaluation des performances d'un cycle frigorifique à éjection-absorption combinées.


Type of article: Article


With a view to optimizing the performance of an ejector-absorption refrigeration system using H2O/NH3, the behaviour of the system was modelled using simulation based on its various components. In particular, the model of the ejector comprised a 1-D "constant section mixture" model developped in the optimal transition state. The thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant and the liquid solution were calculated using REFPROP software. Under air-conditioning operation, the COP of the hybrid refrigeration system is higher than that of classic absorption system. COPs that are up to 25% greater can be achieved. Moreover, the effects of the temperature and the pressure of the generator on the performance of the hybrid cycle refrigeration system were also examined. The optimal temperature and pressure for the operation of the generator were identified, making it possible to achieve maximum performance of the hybrid refrigeration system.


  • Original title: Evaluation des performances d'un cycle frigorifique à éjection-absorption combinées.
  • Record ID : 30023894
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Revue générale du Froid & du Conditionnement d'air - n.1566
  • Publication date: 2017/12


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