Perspectives of ammonia coolers in cooling and air conditioning in Europe.

Perspectives des refroidisseurs à ammoniac dans le froid et le conditionnement d'air en Europe.

Author(s) : LARSEN J. K.

Type of article: Article


This article deals with the perspectives of ammonia coolers, given present regulations, and it focuses on Europe. It presents the applications, the technology and the current trends, and describes the obstacles that stand in the way of a more widespread use, such as safety, load reduction and initial cost.


  • Original title: Perspectives des refroidisseurs à ammoniac dans le froid et le conditionnement d'air en Europe.
  • Record ID : 2010-0702
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation, Technology, General information
  • Source: Revue générale du Froid & du Conditionnement d'air - vol. 99 - n. 1098
  • Publication date: 2009/11


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