Potential of power and heat prosumers for climate-neutral energy systems.
Number: 2360
Author(s) : BEDERNA B., BARTA R. B.
The political and social aims of a climate-neutral transformation of the energy industry are inextricably linked by the need for a massive extension of renewable electric power generation capacity. Beyond this indisputable point, the question arises in which way the energy demand can be covered during periods without sufficient renewable energy generation. Various approaches to address this question are still being discussed. According to the current political commitments in the US and in Germany, this question is answered differently. While on one side the continued use of fossil fuels in combination with CO2 storage is seen as a solution, the other side relies on short-term electricity storage and synthetic fuels for long-term storage. Cogeneration, which has been propagated in recent decades, must be reconsidered from this point of view. Currently, the integration of a heat pump (HP) into the previously Combined Heating and Power (CHP)-fed heating networks for covering the heat demand in times of regenerative surplus is particularly obvious in order to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions. Instead of a HP, this publication proposes further integration of a reversible heat pump Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) unit, creating a prosumer. In this context, "Power and Heat Prosumer" stands for a power plant network optimized for bi-directional power-driven operation coupled with a heating network. It can provide heat for the network using renewable electricity or electricity during periods of renewable electricity shortage. The ORC operating mode thus increases flexibility and conversion efficiency of the plant network. The enhancement of a HP to a reversible system is comparatively simple for scroll and screw compressors up to the single-digit MW range through the integration of a working fluid pump as well as slight adaptations to both the low-temperature heat exchanger and the peripheral equipment. The application potential of a Power and Heat Prosumer is illustrated by a case study of a typical 2 MW local heating network. With study data for the year 2045, the usefulness of the ORC operating mode can be validated. The overall economic goal of the prosumer, however, is to reduce the necessary addition of conventional peak load generation capacity needed during periods of renewable electricity shortage. The maximum reduction potential consists of the capacity of installed reversible HPs multiplied by the ORC efficiency. In combination with a thermal storage, this results in the additional functionality of a Carnot battery, which can reduce the needed short-term storage capacity by the same amount.
Available documents
Format PDF
Pages: 10 p.
- Original title: Potential of power and heat prosumers for climate-neutral energy systems.
- Record ID : 30030693
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 2022 Purdue Conferences. 19th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Publication date: 2022
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