Preharvest fungal colonization affects storage life of Bing cherry fruit.

Author(s) : DUGAN F. M., ROBERTS R. G.

Type of article: Article


Treatment of sweet cherry (Prunus avium cv. Bing) trees with either 2 mildewicide cover sprays or multiple (18) applications of topical and systemic fungicides produced cherry fruit that were either highly colonized or relatively uncolonized by fungi, respectively. Fruit from the multiple application treatment had a storage life of up to 8 weeks (7 weeks at 1-4 deg C plus 1 week at simulated retail temperatures of 20-21 deg C), whereas the commercially-managed fruits were extensively colonized by fungi and significantly decayed when stored under the same conditions. Stringent postharvest disinfection did not significantly reduce postharvest decay and only slightly reduced isolation frequency of fungi. It is suggested that the degree of preharvest fungal colonization is a primary determinant of the percentage of postharvest decay, and that preharvest colonization can be controlled by pre- and postharvest management practices.


  • Original title: Preharvest fungal colonization affects storage life of Bing cherry fruit.
  • Record ID : 1999-1665
  • Languages: English
  • Source: J. Phytopathol. - vol. 145 - n. 5-6
  • Publication date: 1997


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