IIR document
Preparation and characterization of nano-scale Fe2P-based particles by surfactant-assisted high-energy ball milling.
Number: 1542
Author(s) : THANG N. V., DIJK N. H. van, BRUCK E.
Magnetocaloric nanoparticles based on the Fe2P system have been prepared by ball milling in the presence of the organic solvent heptane and the surfactant oleic acid. The surfactant is used to prevent the re-welding of crushed particles during the ball milling and to enhance the dispersion of nanoparticles in the solvent [1]. A size selection process using centrifugation and ultrasonic vibration was employed after ball milling to obtain nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution. The XRD peak intensity decreases while the peaks broaden in the presence of surfactant and solvent, indicating a decrease in particle size and an increase in the degree of amorphization. The magnetization of the nanoparticles obtained by surfactant-assisted high-energy ball milling decreased compared to the bulk. This can be attributed to a larger contribution of the surface states due to the size reduction, amorphization and contamination such as residual surfactant. The effect of milling parameters on Fe2P based compounds as nano-scale particles as well as their dynamic response by nanosizing will be discussed in detail.
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- Original title: Preparation and characterization of nano-scale Fe2P-based particles by surfactant-assisted high-energy ball milling.
- Record ID : 30012736
- Languages: English
- Source: 6th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Thermag VI). Proceedings: Victoria, Canada, September 7-10, 2014.
- Publication date: 2014/09/07
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- Formats : PDF
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- Languages : English
- Source: 6th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Thermag VI). Proceedings: Victoria, Canada, September 7-10, 2014.
- Formats : PDF
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