Proceedings of the Institute of Refrigeration. 1999-2000.

Date: 1900.01.01


The document includes the articles presented during the 1998-1999 session: development of the pulse tube refrigerator as an efficient and reliable cryocooler; turbine inlet air cooling; recent developments in refrigeration applications in the brewing industry; refrigeration and air conditioning: an historical perspective; fire prevention by oxygen depletion with nitrogen; heating and cooling of buildings with air cycles; a more efficient halocarbon substitute for R22. Some of the advanced proofs have been abstracted in earlier issues of the IIR Bulletin (see references 2000-1850, 2525, 2823, and 2001-0365).


  • Original title: Proceedings of the Institute of Refrigeration. 1999-2000.
  • Organiser : Inst. Refrig.
  • Record ID : 2001-2971
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 0
  • Publication: Institute of Refrigeration - United kingdom/United kingdom
  • ISBN: 1872719147
  • Source: Source: vol. 96; 110 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ref.; GBP 36.00.
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    Inst. Refrig., Proc.

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.