Processed cheese analogues incorporating fat-substitutes. 1. Composition, microbiological quality and flavour changes during storage at 5 °C.

Author(s) : MUIR D. D., TAMIME A. Y., SHENANA M. E., et al.

Type of article: Article


The effects on the perceived flavour of processed cheese analogue (spreadable type), of changes in the milk protein base, and of the substitution of milk fat by starch or microparticulate whey protein were studied. The gross chemical composition fat protein and carbohydrates of the experimental samples was within the range typical of full- and low-fat commercial processes cheese spreads. Products made using high protein skimmed milk powder were notably different in flavour and aftertaste from those made with retentate. Overall intensity of 'flavour', 'bitterness' and the 'intensity' and 'persistence' of aftertaste were influenced by storage period. These changes were associated with protein degradation during storage.


  • Original title: Processed cheese analogues incorporating fat-substitutes. 1. Composition, microbiological quality and flavour changes during storage at 5 °C.
  • Record ID : 2000-0863
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. - vol. 32 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1999


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