Protecting the ozone layer: the United Nations history.

Author(s) : ONU Environnement (ex-PNUE), ANDERSEN S. O., MADHAVA SARMA K.

Type of monograph: Book


This book, published in association with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), tells the story of the ozone layer and how the Montreal Protocol averted a grave threat to the whole of humanity through the destruction of this layer. Extract from the table of contents: the science of ozone depletion: from theory to certainty; diplomacy (the beginning, 1974-1987; from strength to strength, 1988-1992; racing towards success, 1993-2001); technology and business policy; implementation of the Montreal Protocol; compliance with the Montreal Protocol; media coverage of the ozone-layer issue; environmental NGOs, the ozone layer and the Montreal Protocol; conclusion: a perspective and a caution.


  • Original title: Protecting the ozone layer: the United Nations history.
  • Record ID : 2004-0974
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment, General information
  • Publication: Earthscan - United kingdom/United kingdom
  • Publication date: 2002
  • ISBN: 1853839051
  • Source: Source: 542 p. (15.5 x 24); fig.; tabl.; ref.; index; GBP 40.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.