R22 phase-out in existing installations. 5. Methodology for a group of installations: analysis of additional costs, implementation difficulties and consequences for installers.

Remplacement du R22 dans les installations existantes. 5. Méthodologie pour un parc d'installations : analyse des surcoûts et analyse des difficultés de mise en oeuvre et des conséquences pour les intervenants sur l'installation.

Author(s) : BENSAFI A.

Type of article: Article


In this fifth part, the author deals with the problem of a group of refrigeration units combining various functions. Under the direction of a designated manager, an overall diagnosis is offered before any modification is proposed. This diagnosis may call into question the whole installation and lead to a more complete analysis on the in-depth retrofitting of the factory, or even reject it. This impartial diagnosis leads to a feasibility study based on energy savings and financial aspects, two inseparable aspects of any modern project. See also the Bulletin of the IIR, references 2010-0714, 716 and 0717, and this Bulletin, reference 2010-1060.