Refrigerant recovery, recycling, and reclamation: meeting the US Clean Air Act.

Author(s) : TAPSCOTT R. E., TAPSCOTT M. K.

Type of monograph: Other


The paper on use of refrigerants, includes an explanation and an exhaustive list of the American companies specializing in refrigerant recovery and recycling and the equipment required for it. The explanation includes definition of abreviations, a chapter on the place of ozone in the Montreal Protocol, another on the different refrigerants and their impact on ozone. Substitutes, the US Clean Air Act, and problems of informing and training of technical staff are also cited.


  • Original title: Refrigerant recovery, recycling, and reclamation: meeting the US Clean Air Act.
  • Record ID : 1994-1349
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Publication: Globetech, technol. transf. inf. serv. - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 1991
  • Source: Source: 244 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.