Based on the study of falling film evaporation technology, present heat and mass transfer theory and experimental research of falling film in Freon refrigeration system has been done. In the paper, the similarity of velocity, temperature and concentration distribution in the direction normal to the falling film surface is assumed, mathematical and physical model is presented of horizontal tube through boundary layer theory. The original controlling differential equations are transformed into integral equations by integrations and calculated. The integral equations are discrete implicitly using Gauss-Seidel point iteration method. The computation programme for the discrete equations is worked out and the distributions of some parameters such as velocity, temperatures and concentrations are obtained by processing the calculation results with the software. At the same time, experiments were done to check the reliability of theoretical model, the result tallies with theoretical model. So the study provides some theoretical basis and foundation on the design and manufacture for falling film evaporator of Freon refrigeration system.
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- Original title: Research on heat and mass transfer of falling film evaporation of Freon system.
- Record ID : 2008-0076
- Languages: English
- Subject: HFCs alternatives
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 2007/08/21
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- Formats : PDF
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