Research to determine the environmental conditions and duration of keeping quality of the main apple varieties after cold storage.

Cercetãri privind stabilirea conditilor de mediu si a duratei de mentinere a calitãtii principalelor soiuri de mere dupã pastrarea frigorificã.


Six apple cultivars (Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Starkrimson, Generos, Idared and Jonagold) were stored at 0.5-3 deg C for 4-5 or 6 months, and then kept for up to 20 days at 4, 10 or 15 deg C. Data are tabulated on losses, quality and firmness of the fruit, and on ethylene production and respiration. The results show that after cold storage the apples can be kept for 2-3 days at 20 deg C or for 8-10 days at 4-5 deg C retaining their quality. Losses were about 1-2%, and pulp firmness was reduced by 20-30%. Jonathan and Jonagold were the most sensitive cultivars after cold storage, and the smallest losses were found in Idared.


  • Original title: Cercetãri privind stabilirea conditilor de mediu si a duratei de mentinere a calitãtii principalelor soiuri de mere dupã pastrarea frigorificã.
  • Record ID : 1998-1012
  • Languages: Romanian
  • Source: Cercet. agron. Moldova - vol. 27 - n. 3-4
  • Publication date: 1994


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