Review of numerical simulation of capillary tube using refrigerant mixtures.


Type of article: Article


A detailed one-dimensional steady and transient state numerical simulation of the thermal and fluid-dynamic behaviour of capillary tube expansion devices considering metastable region and working with pure and mixed refrigerants has been developed and presented in previous works. The discretised governing equations are coupled using an implicit step-by-step method. Due to the changes observed in the thermo-physical properties of mixtures using REFPROP v7.0 compared to REFPROP v5.0, an extensive comparison of the numerical simulation developed with experimental data presented in the technical literature will be shown in order to demonstrate the accuracy of this detailed model. Finally, refrigerant-specific rating charts to predict in an easy way R407C flow rates through adiabatic capillary tube are shown and used.


  • Original title: Review of numerical simulation of capillary tube using refrigerant mixtures.
  • Record ID : 2005-0066
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 24 - n. 7
  • Publication date: 2004/05


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