Saving money with refrigerated appliances: a guide for smaller retailers, pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants.
Author(s) : ETSU
Type of article: Periodical article
As the running costs of fridges and freezers can be three times the purchase price, this Good Practice Guide concentrates on the need to consider operating costs in order to reduce the total costs of running refrigerated appliances. Advice is given about specifying equipment, selecting contractors, housekeeping and maintenance. Details are provided about further publications to assist those who wish to fully understand the financial implications of refrigerated appliances. This Guide is aimed at smaller retailers, and managers or proprietors of pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants.
- Original title: Saving money with refrigerated appliances: a guide for smaller retailers, pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants.
- Record ID : 2003-0190
- Languages: English
- Subject: Regulation
- Source: ETSU, Best Pract. Programme/ETSU, Good Pract. Guide Ser. - GPG 277; 6 p.; phot.
- Publication date: 1999/09
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the source
Other energy-saving and energy-recovery systems;
Domestic applications (refrigerators, freezers);
Industrial, commercial and domestic refrigeration: regulations and standards;
Refrigerating equipment: regulations and standards - Keywords: United Kingdom; Restaurant; Economy; Commercial application; Maintenance; Display cabinet; Profitability; Household refrigerator; Recommendation; Guide; Equipment; Energy saving; Freezer
The essentials: transport.
- Author(s) : ETSU
- Date : 1999/03
- Languages : English
- Source: ETSU, Best Pract. Programme - 12 p.
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Guide to good commercial refrigeration practice.
- Author(s) : BRA
- Date : 2000/04
- Languages : English
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Strategy for large refrigerating plant replacem...
- Author(s) : ETSU
- Date : 1999/09
- Languages : English
- Source: ETSU, Best Pract. Programme/ETSU, Good Pract. Case Study - GPCS 248; 8 p.; fig.; phot.
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Code of Conduct for carbon reduction in the ret...
- Author(s) : Carbon Trust, IoR, BRA
- Date : 2010/03
- Languages : English
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Refrigeration systems: save energy, save money.
- Author(s) : ETSU
- Date : 1998/10
- Languages : English
- Source: ETSU, Best Pract. Programme/Dep. Environ., Energy Effic. Off. - FL95.011; 4 p. (available: ETSU; Harwell; Didcot; Oxfordshire OX11 0RA)
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