Seventy-percent increase in the sales of chilled fruit juices.

La déferlante des jus de fruits réfrigérés : une croissance de près de 70 %.

Author(s) : DIEU J.

Type of article: Article


The market for chilled fruit juice represent about 19 billion litres with a turnover of 295 billion French francs, with a 66.5% increase in volume and a 68.3% increase in value. Three main brands are sharing this market, but new brands are likely to be marketed.


  • Original title: La déferlante des jus de fruits réfrigérés : une croissance de près de 70 %.
  • Record ID : 1994-2587
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Source: Prod. frais - vol. 2 - n. 16
  • Publication date: 1994/01
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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