Solar cooling by solid absorption system.
Author(s) : GUKHOOL J.
A prototype designed for space cooling using monomethylamine and crystalline calcium chloride as the working fluid and solid absorbent, respectively, is shown to be a very attractive idea, particularly for tropical countries having ambient temperatures around 40 deg C. In spite of seemingly insurmountable difficulties in getting the system working, test runs yielded a promising low operating pressure of 380 kilopascals, compared to 1500 kilopascals for calcium chloride-ammonia and 550 kilopascals for lithium chloride-methylamine couples. A very low temperature of 6 deg C for the chilled water was attained, and a COP of 0.123 was found to compare well with those of calcium chloride-ammonia (0.18-0.32) and lithium chloride-methylamine (0.06-0.08). Decomposition of the complex compound calcium chloride-methylamine could be achieved with water around 70 deg C, a not so difficult task using solar energy.
- Original title: Solar cooling by solid absorption system.
- Record ID : 1995-1848
- Languages: English
- Publication date: 1993/11/01
- Source: Source: CLIMA 2000, London
n. 342; 20 p.; 13 fig. - Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- Author(s) : AGARWAL M. K., AGARWAL R. S., SASTRY Y. V. S. R.
- Date : 1985
- Languages : English
- Source: Int. J. sol. Energy - vol. 34 - n. 4-5
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Experimental investigation of an adsorption ref...
- Author(s) : PAN Q. W., WANG R. Z., LU Z. S., et al.
- Date : 2014/11
- Languages : English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 72 - n. 2
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Experimental evaluation on sub-zero performance...
- Author(s) : ZHOU S., LIANG X., HE G., CAI D.
- Date : 2020/12/07
- Languages : English
- Source: 14th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2020). Proceedings. Kyoto, Japon, December 7-9th 2020.
- Formats : PDF
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A family of new working materials for solid sor...
- Author(s) : ARISTOV Y. I., RESTUCCIA G., CACCIOLA G., et al.
- Date : 2002/02
- Languages : English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 22 - n. 2
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Comportement dynamique d'un réacteur chlorure d...
- Date : 1996/08/20
- Languages : French
- Formats : PDF
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