Specific heat of copperless oxide: barium (0.6)-potassium(0.4)-bismuth-oxygen(3) superconductor.

[In Russian. / En russe.]


The study is performed in the 2-50 K temperature range with no magnetic field and with magnetic field to 16 T. The linear term coefficient and the density of states at the Fermi level are determined. In the framework of the phonon model the electron-phonon coupling constant, characteristic phonon frequency, effective mass value, Fermi energy, carrier group velocity, order parameter and coherence length are calculated. It is shown that the high value of critical temperature in this superconductor is associated with the high characteristic phonon frequency and relatively high density of electron states.


  • Original title: [In Russian. / En russe.]
  • Record ID : 1994-2070
  • Languages: Russian
  • Source: Z. eksp. teor. Fiz. - vol. 103 - n. 2
  • Publication date: 1993/02
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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