Study of microorganisms isolated in the condensate drainage pans of central air-conditioning plants in Sao Paulo office buildings.

[In Portuguese. / En portugais.]


The main source of biological contamination of air-conditioned spaces is the drip trays under air-conditioning evaporators. The water films create an ecosystem that helps germs grow. Pressure and air-speed conditions lead to contamination of aerosols within the air-conditioned rooms, especially in offices. The article describes the properties of the microbial flora found during tests in offices in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


  • Original title: [In Portuguese. / En portugais.]
  • Record ID : 1997-1764
  • Languages: Portuguese
  • Source: Congresso ibero-americano de ar condicionado e refrigeraçao - Congresso brasileiro de refrigeraçao, ventilaçao e condicionamento de ar. III CIAR-V CONBRAVA. Anais./ III CIAR-V CONBRAVA. Proceedings.
  • Publication date: 1995/08/29
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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