Study of the ventilation in operating rooms by computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

Estudio de la ventilación en quirófanos mediante dinamica de fluidos computacional.


This paper reflects the results and conclusions of a study on the air's motion in four old surgery rooms in a Basque Country (Spain) hospital that were to be reformed. Its purpose was to understand the airflow trajectory in the surgery rooms, to detect the turbulence zones and to evaluate the efficiency of the system in order to suggest appropriate improvements to guide the Maintenance Department of the Hospital to undertake the improvements of the air-fanning. The methodology followed was based on simulating by CFD the existing ventilation system and analyzing an improved system in the following four situations: watertight doors, no watertight doors, and surgery rooms with two additional extract (exhaust) grilles with watertight or no watertight doors. In all cases, the lack of the water tightness in the doors produced a short-circuit in ventilation's flow ranging from 25 to 83% of the indoor airflow.


  • Original title: Estudio de la ventilación en quirófanos mediante dinamica de fluidos computacional.
  • Record ID : 2008-1334
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Publication date: 2006/11/20
  • Source: Source: Climamed 2006, Lyon
    PIV-3.2; 427-435; fig.; tabl.; 7 ref.