Suspended superconductor microbolometers operating at liquid-nitrogen temperatures; design and manufacture with micro-machining of silicon substrates.

Microbolomètres supraconducteurs suspendus opérant à la température de l'azote liquide ; conception et fabrication par micro-usinage de substrats de silicium.


Type of article: Article


The sensitivity of a bolometer increases as the thermal conductivity decreases between the part of the sensor heated by incidental light and the thermostat that it is paired with. The authors' research was thus oriented toward the design and manufacture of YBCO micro-structures suspended through micro-machining of silicon substrates. The films obtained had excellent structural and electrical properties, a single orientation on a plane and a zero-resistance critical temperature of 88 K. The results were extrapolated to coils and were used to optimize the geometry of a detector, a meander made up of 17 suspension bridges in a series. The performances of the optimized meander, measured at 85 K, were in line with the best figures published. The substrate engraving was then used to develop suspended membranes made up of layers of (YBCO, cerium oxide, YSZ, silicon) and thus to obtain some extra flexibility in composing the membrane.


  • Original title: Microbolomètres supraconducteurs suspendus opérant à la température de l'azote liquide ; conception et fabrication par micro-usinage de substrats de silicium.
  • Record ID : 1998-0064
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Vide - vol. 53 - n. 283
  • Publication date: 1997/01
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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