The air quality laboratory at the Danish Building Research Institute.

[In Danish. / En danois.]

Author(s) : KJAER U., LAURIDSEN J., et al.

Type of article: Article


The products to be tested are placed in small ventilated test chambers (CLIMPAQs). Independent experiments may be carried out with a maximum of 24 CLIMPAQs in simultaneous operation. A long-term purpose of the laboratory is to achieve more knowledge of the interaction between materials and the ambient air. Air flows in the COMPAQs from 0 to 1.8 L/s are controlled with an accuracy to within 2% and air flows in the rooms are controlled with an accuracy to within 5%. Temperature variations in the rooms and CLIMPAQs are less than 0.5 K and variation of the relative humidity is approximately plus or minus 5% at 50% relative humidity.


  • Original title: [In Danish. / En danois.]
  • Record ID : 1996-2486
  • Languages: Danish
  • Source: TFVVS Danvak - vol. 31 - n. 9
  • Publication date: 1995/09


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