The effect of non-condensable gases on the performance of film absorbers in vapour absorption systems.

Author(s) : SABIR H. M., EAMES I. W., SUEN K. O.

Type of article: Article


A method of calculating the detrimental effects of the presence of non-condensable gases on the performance of the absorber of the vapour absorption refrigeration systems is presented using data for the water-lithium bromide system with air as a contaminant gas in a film absorber. It is shown that the reduction in the heat and mass transfer can be offset by introducing turbulence into the vapour/gas mixture in the absorber. A calculation of the reduction in the COP of a water-lithium bromide system is also presented.


  • Original title: The effect of non-condensable gases on the performance of film absorbers in vapour absorption systems.
  • Record ID : 2000-1827
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 19 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 1999/05


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