IIR document

The effect of organic growing on the storability of apple.

Author(s) : RÓTH E., KOVÁCS E., FELFÖLDI J., et al.


The paper investigates the effects of a biologic growing of apples, on the storage at 2.4 °C with 98-99% relative humidity during 6 months. Enzyme activity and firmness loss of weight are tested.

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  • Original title: The effect of organic growing on the storability of apple.
  • Record ID : 2002-1942
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 2000/10/19
  • Source: Source: Proc. Murcia Conf., IIR/C. R. Conf. Murcie, IIF
    2000-4; vol. 1; 212-219; fig.; tabl.; 15 ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.