IIR document

The impact of geometric structure and flow arrangement on the performance of CO2 evaporators in multi-deck medium temperature display cabinets.

Author(s) : GE Y. T., TASSOU S. A.

Type of article: Article, IJR article


The CO2 refrigerant is widely applied in retail refrigeration systems to replace HFC fluids such as R404A, but its system performance requires further improvement. One feasible method would be to pinpoint the matching components of the system, in particular its evaporator coils. This paper focuses on the potential optimization of the CO2 evaporator design in an existing multi-deck medium temperature display cabinet charged previously with R404A refrigerant. To achieve this target, a display cabinet model with an integrated CFD and detailed evaporator sub models was utilized. This model could readily imitate the actual cabinet performance under varied operating conditions and component designs. Various design options of the CO2 cabinet evaporator were considered and their impacts on the cabinet performances were predicted by the integrated model. Ultimately, the optimized designs of CO2 cabinet evaporator coil geometries and refrigerant side operating parameters have been attained.

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Pages: 142-149


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  • Original title: The impact of geometric structure and flow arrangement on the performance of CO2 evaporators in multi-deck medium temperature display cabinets.
  • Record ID : 30003226
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 35 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 2012/01


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