The nulling test: a new measurement technique for estimating duct leakage in residential homes.


This collection of 107 papers presented at the ASHRAE 2001 Winter Meeting, held in Atlanta, Georgia, January 27-31, include the complete collection of symposium and technical papers as well as discussion questions and answers for every paper. Topics: case studies and modeling for heating systems with special emphasis on radiant panel systems; central energy plant kW per ton and demand controls; innovative materials and building envelope systems; absorption/sorption heat pumps and refrigeration systems; analysis tools for the design of low energy cooling systems; thermal-energy storage systems aging gracefully; integration of dedicated outside air dehumidification systems and terminal sensible cooling/heating; pumping design and performance modeling of geothermal heat pump systems; thermoeconomics and second law analysis of HVAC&R systems; characterizing the performance of non-simple fenestrations; smoke management research and case studies of large spaces; effects of international building code 2000 on seismic design for HVAC; modelling and measurement of VOC emissions from building materials; recent results from fault detection and diagnostic research; combustion turbine inlet cooling; advances in thermal and fluid flow characteristics of HVAC and refrigeration processes.


  • Original title: The nulling test: a new measurement technique for estimating duct leakage in residential homes.
  • Record ID : 2002-0951
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ASHRAE Transactions. 2001 Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Volume 107, part 1 + CD-ROM.
  • Publication date: 2001
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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