The possibility of using exhaust gases for the production of dry ice.

[In Russian. / En russe.]

Author(s) : DANILOV M. M., MEDVEDEV K. A.

Type of article: Article


The relevance of the dry ice producing increases annually with the expansion scope of transportation and diversity of cargo. It provides information about the possibilities of producing solid carbon dioxide by using dry ice unit installed on mobile platforms, the basis for which are trucks with semi­trailers. Describes the composition of the working substance, the raw material base and of its production. Describes the main problems and advantages of this equipment. This solution promotes the growth of independence articulated trucks from raw­material base of the cooler body and increases the autonomy and distance of transportation.


  • Original title: [In Russian. / En russe.]
  • Record ID : 30019716
  • Languages: Russian
  • Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 6
  • Publication date: 2016/06


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