Theoretical and experimental investigation of a heat pump evaporator as a part of desalination installation.
[In Russian./ En russe.]
Type of article: Article
Desalination of salt water using a heat pump desalinating installation allows to reduce specific power consumption compared to conventional evaporation plants. A flow chart and main benefits of a heat pump desalinating installation is given and the problems of selection of working fluid for heat pump are considered. R123 is most suitable for the operation of the installation at atmospheric pressure. The experimental data in R123 boiling heat transfer under natural convection conditions and heat transfer to boiling R123 under forced movement in the evaporator channel are presented. A technique for the calculation of heat transfer coefficient of heat pump evaporator being a part of a heat pump desalinating installation is given.
- Original title: [In Russian./ En russe.]
- Record ID : 2010-0588
- Languages: Russian
- Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 11
- Publication date: 2009/11
See other articles in this issue (105)
See the source
- Themes: Heat pumps techniques
- Keywords: Calculation; Design; R123; Heat pump; Performance; Expérimentation; Desalination; Refrigerant; Sea water
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- Author(s) : DELLE SITE V.
- Date : 1995/08/20
- Languages : English
- Source: For a Better Quality of Life. 19th International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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- Source: Deutsche Kälte-Klima-Tagung: 2009, Berlin.
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- Date : 2006/04
- Languages : Chinese
- Source: HV & AC - vol. 36 - n. 184
- Formats : PDF
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- Date : 2019/10
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 106
- Formats : PDF
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- Languages : English
- Source: ACRA-2006. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning.
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