Tightness control of components and systems.
Contrôle d'étanchéité des composants et des systèmes.
Author(s) : CLODIC D.
Type of article: Article
Absolute tightness does not exist. Tightness is a relative concept that is defined by its opposite : leakage rate. Monitoring and measuring of tightness should also be distinguished. Monitoring is usually performed using a device indicating thresholds. Measurement implies the setting up of a test volume.
- Original title: Contrôle d'étanchéité des composants et des systèmes.
- Record ID : 1999-0127
- Languages: French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 852
- Publication date: 1997/12
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (7)
See the source
Contrôle d'étanchéité des composants et des sys...
- Author(s) : CLODIC D.
- Date : 1997/12
- Languages : French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 852
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Confinement des installations frigorifiques.
- Author(s) : CAZAURIAN X., HUCHET A., HERMON C., et al.
- Date : 2008/10/09
- Languages : French
- Source: Scientific symposium: industrial cooling and thermodynamic systems. The Pôle Cristal meetings. [CD-ROM + 4 DVDs]. / Colloque scientifique : froid industriel et systèmes thermodynamiques. Les rendez-vous du Pôle Cristal. [CD-ROM + 4 DVD].
- Formats : PDF
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Evacuating and charging refrigerating circuits.
- Author(s) : EISNER C.
- Date : 1994
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Industria & Formazione - vol. 18 - n. 1
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Leak detection and sealing checks in refrigerat...
- Author(s) : WOLF-RUDIGER P.
- Date : 1995/01
- Languages : German
- Source: Kälte + Klimatechnik (Die) - vol. 48 - n. 1
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Verbesserung der Dichtheit kältetechnischer Erz...
- Author(s) : ILK
- Date : 2003/01
- Languages : German
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