Traceability in supply chains: strategic and practical aspects.
La traçabilité dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement : de la stratégie à la pratique.
Author(s) : Gencod EAN France
Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook
This guide uses a concrete, comprehensive approach in order to explain the concepts of traceability. It discusses the various components of traceability and provides examples of case studies and helps companies define the scope of their projects and their objectives. This guide constitutes a precious corporate tool for defining specifications, planning actions and choosing suitable tools.
- Original title: La traçabilité dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement : de la stratégie à la pratique.
- Record ID : 2002-1662
- Languages: French
- Publication: Gencod EAN France - France/France
- Publication date: 2001/05
- Source: Source: 100 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ECU 45.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Refrigeration and perishable products: general information;
Food engineering - Keywords: Food; Safety; Logistics; Traceability; Process; Guide
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- Source: Tiefkühl-Rep. - vol. 27 - n. 1-2
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