Up to 35% energy savings through optimal use of cooling systems.

Author(s) : HEEL R. van

Type of article: Article


Energy expense for cooling systems can be reduced considerably. The Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment would like to show this by providing users with information on improving the efficiency of their plants. A cooling advisory group has recently been set up for this purpose. The article provides an overview of the energy saving measures which have already been successfully applied in companies, offering energy savings of up to 35%.


  • Original title: Up to 35% energy savings through optimal use of cooling systems.
  • Record ID : 1997-3256
  • Languages: English
  • Source: CADDET Energy Effic. Newsl. - n. 4
  • Publication date: 1996/12
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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