Efficient refrigeration in industry. Understanding to be able to act.

Le froid efficace dans l'industrie. Connaître pour agir.

Author(s) : Ademe, CLODIC D., DUMINIL M., DUCROS R.

Type of monograph: Book, Guide/Handbook


This guide, in the "Understanding to be able to act, guides and technical books" series, is intended for all actors interested in optimising the operation of industrial-type refrigerating equipment. It deals with the design, operation and maintenance of industrial refrigeration installations and presents and analyses the main technical options: high floating pressure; electronic speed variation; management of the energy storage; centralized technical management; choice criteria for direct or indirect refrigeration systems; reducing the refrigerant charge and emissions to the atmosphere; impact of the technical choices on energy consumption reduction. Extract from the table of contents: intervening personnel in the manufacturing of industrial installations; design of efficient refrigeration systems in industrial and food processing processes (refrigeration and heat needs in industrial processes; how to produce cold in industrial processes?; refrigerants: the families and the environmental problems; structure of refrigeration installations: main components; direct and indirect cooling; energy efficient design); operation of industrial refrigeration installations (variations in the needs and adapting the refrigeration capacity; fluid management; operation of heat exchangers and auxiliaries; centralized technical management, CTM; operation of cold enclosures); maintenance of industrial refrigeration installations (different types of maintenance; controlling the exchange surfaces; controlling the quality of the fluids: oil, water, secondary refrigerants and refrigerants; maintenance and refrigerant recovery; controlling the refrigeration installation and tightness and control methods); encyclopaedia. In the appendices: initials and abbreviations; bibliography; useful contacts; evaluation sheet.


  • Original title: Le froid efficace dans l'industrie. Connaître pour agir.
  • Record ID : 2005-0512
  • Languages: French
  • Publication: Ademe (agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'energie), centre d'angers, direction de l'industrie - France/France
  • Publication date: 1999/08
  • ISBN: 2868173411
  • Source: Source: ref. 3187; 216 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.; index; append.; EUR 73.18.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.