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44 782 records
IIR document
Pre-cooling: its significance to the market quality of table grapes.
Refrigeration demands for meat processing.
Refrigerated land transport in India and South Asia
Water transport in the surface adipose tissue of beef and mutton.
A new diagram for evaluating the relationship between convective and evaporative heat transfer during the cooling of carcasses.
Chemical reactions in freeze-dried foods during storage: polar lipids as reactants.
Refrigeration machinery: a review.
Monoscrew: a newly developed refrigerating compressor.
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Refrigeration: Moscow, USSR, September 20-30, 1975.
Comfort at work places by spot cooling.
Thermodynamic properties of solutions of sodium thiocyanate in liquid ammonia and their vapours.
Recent developments and trends in refrigerated transport. Proceedings of meeting (Commission D2): Vienna, Austria, September 18-21, 1978.
Saving energy in the production of cold. Proceedings of meeting (Commission B2): Delft, The Netherlands, September 12-15, 1978.
Cooling, freezing, storage and transport: biological and technical aspects. Proceedings of meetings (Commissions C2, D1, D2): Budapest, Hungary, April 25-28, 1978.
Progress in low temperature physics. Vol. VIIb.
Advances in refrigeration at the lowest temperatures (100th anniversary of the first liquefaction of air). Proceedings of meetings (Commissions A1, A2): Zürich, Switzerland, March 1-3, 1978.
Essai pour une histoire du froid artificiel dans le monde.
A History of Refrigeration throughout the World.
Food preservation by refrigeration, a general introduction.
Transfert de chaleur par convection naturelle dans une couche poreuse limitée par deux cylindres coaxiaux horizontaux.
Heat transfer by natural convection in a porous layer bounded by two coaxial horizontal cylinders.
Carcass chilling: experimental investigation of weight loss from lean meat.
Progress in food science and technology in relation to refrigeration.
On the measurement of thermal conductivity in moist porous materials.
Microbiological aspects of the freezing of meat and prepared foods.
Current status of the theory of the application of temperature indicators, temperature integrators, and temperature function integrators to the food spoilage chain.
Measurement of the frost point of air in sealed insulating glass.